We found the 3 matches for "Club"
Club in Cashmere
The Cashmere Club became an Incorporated Society on the 14th February 1969, and officially opened by The Hon T M McGuigan on the 26th April 1975, for the purpose of providing sporting, recreational and social facilities for members and guests. The Club has been open for over 45 years now and over the years the team have created a sports bar environment, which has proved to be a great success for the current members. This area includes various plasma and LCD screens. Also a big screen for major sporting events, 10 pool tables, 3 snooker tables and a full service TAB.
Club in Invercargill
Club Southland is a friendly community club, providing a warm welcome to members, their guests, and visitors from affiliated clubs. New members are always made to feel welcome, and membership is open to anyone aged 18 and over. We have a wide range of activities and entertainment, as well as a restaurant for delicious, affordable meals on Friday and Saturday evenings.